Website Maintenance

Just as your car, water heater and air conditioner require scheduled maintenance, so too does your website. We see all sorts of websites from clients and their competitors, and we’re often surprised at how often these sites look exactly the same 6 months or even a year later. It seems that many have the mindset that once a website is up and running, you can forget about it and focus your attention elsewhere in the business. But for a successful site, you can never “set it and forget it.” That’s sure to lead your consumers straight into the arms of the competition.

At Online Potential, we provide reliable website maintenance services so that your company’s website never becomes static and forgettable.

Keep Your Website Alive With Content

OK, we know that websites aren’t really alive. But, if you allow your site’s layout and design to evolve alongside the growth of your company, you’ll have a powerful online marketing tool to complement your offline success. One way to do that is to let Online Potential take care of your website for you.

A website’s purpose might always stay the same — sales, for instance — but that doesn’t mean the way to go about getting sales will always be the same. Your website’s effective techniques may change with your company’s strategic planning, so we recommend taking a look at the goals, expectations and outcomes of your online presence at least once a year to ensure they are aligned with your offline company.

Because technology, trends, even sales approaches can change abruptly, we strive to stay ahead of the pack so if a big turnaround does come into play, your site is already on its way to being fully optimized. Small, regular updates and tweaks can clear the way for larger maintenance issues in the future without becoming burdensome or alienating your target audience.

Some of our Orlando clients worry that one they partner with us, they’ll lose control over their site. That couldn’t be further from the truth. We provide an simplistic process for you to submit desired changes so that we can quickly perform the updates for you.

Online Potential’s Website Maintenance Services

If you understand the complexity of an effective, comprehensive online presence, then you may see how multiple development and marketing techniques can overlap with complementary features. For example, website maintenance can be handled more quickly if your company already uses a content management system. And since Online Potential can oversee both of these development services for your company, we can make your changes or updates easier and faster. Google Webmaster Tools is also a highly recommended web-based service that pairs well with website maintenance. Webmaster Tools sends you notifications if your site is ranked poorly based on broken links, page errors and even malicious code found within your website. When we see these notifications, we can instantly repair the issue.

Another often overlooked advantage to choosing Online Potential for all of your website design, marketing and development needs is that we are familiar with your company and web content when updates or changes need to be completed. If you skip around from one content writer to another, each writing only one page of your website, you’ll find that your website lacks a semblance of cohesiveness. When Online Potential writes your website content, designs or redesigns your site, champions your search engine optimization marketing tactics, and monitors your site for testing, improvements and updates, your company’s voice is easily identifiable and you don’t have to worry about your brand image shifting.

Website maintenance is a must-do in this day of Internet marketing and eCommerce success. Keep your website functioning properly, bring your consumers back with new content, and stop potential site errors from affecting your bottom line. Choose Online Potential for all of your website creation and maintenance needs.

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